Supporting Retirement Journeys

Introducing our custom journal specifically designed to support those retiring from a career into a purpose driven life.

With 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring every day, The ReWirement Journal is our next continuum of custom reflection journals for those who are pursuing the next chapter in their lives. This is a reflective tool that will help rewire your thoughts and actions in a more meaningful way.

What’s Inside

  • 52 Reflective Quotes

  • 27 Reflection Point Models

  • 4 Personal Notes

  • 83 Pages of Custom Content

  • 250 Pages Total

Employer Partnerships

Four Loop Learning partners with companies and organizations to help their employees learn leadership reflection practices. What to learn more about partnering with Bob and The ReWirement Journal or other reflection tools? Reach out at [email protected].

About the Author

Bob Cancalosi journals with one very simple goal – to share the knowledge with others to help them unlock more potential as they fulfill their own leadership ambitions. With 31 years of leadership experience at GE, and over 99 journals meticulously kept over the past 35 years, Bob brings the lessons he has learned—in life, and pursuits of leadership—and the tools to apply them with Four Loop Learning, a guide to leadership journaling.

During his tenure at GE, Bob served in the role as Chief Learning Officer for the Healthcare Business for 7 years with responsibility for the leadership development of 60,000 global employees. Then the last 8 years of his career he was the Leader of the GE Crotonville Global Customer Education team with responsibility for the leadership development of GE’s global strategic customers and training over 5,000 customer executives annually.