Four Loop Learning: Courage to Lead (Paperback)

Four Loop Learning: Courage to Lead (Paperback)


Today’s leaders live in an extremely challenging world with the unprecedented impact of a global pandemic, global warming, and so many violations of Social Justice and Equality. Now more than ever, we need leaders who courageously step up and make a positive impact. This book outlines a seven-part model based on the acronym COURAGE and shares the insights from over 85 leadership journals completed over the past 20 years.

The hard copy and e-book are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Books a Million, and Halo International.

Please note that authors Bob and Alessandra will personally sign all website orders of this book.



Today’s leaders live in an extremely challenging world with the unprecedented impact of a global pandemic, global warming, and so many violations of Social Justice and Equality. Now more than ever, we need leaders who courageously step up and make a positive impact.

Authors Bob and Alessandra Cancalosi believe that now more than ever, we need leaders to have the courage and to step up to address the challenges of our current world. Therefore, the father-daughter duo wrote Courage to Lead to “unlock more potential in leaders to make the world a better place.”

This book outlines a seven-part model based on the acronym COURAGE and shares the insights from over 85 leadership journals completed over the past 20 years.

The hard copy and e-book are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Books a Million, and Halo International.

Please note that authors Bob and Alessandra will personally sign all website orders of this book.

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